"Metamorphosis" - Greek μεταμόρφωσις, "transformation, transforming", from μετα- (meta-), "change" and μορφή (morphe), "form". (source)

MS changes you. It makes you more aware of your past and present faults. Even of your future ones if you’re not careful. It makes you scared, anxious and stressed. It pumps fear, uncertainty and aggitation. And all of a sudden something changes. You change. For the better? For the worse? Only time will tell. Wait and see. Have patience and read through the lines. The Metamorphosis has begun!

About the Project
"MetamorphosiS. Transformation from Within" is the story of a journey to, through and beyond MS. It talks about life, choices, emotions and change. It questions whether you are up to the challenge or not. Whether you have MS or MS has you. It is a story about transformation from within, as one rides the rollercoaster called multiple sclerosis.

Expect fear, sadness, loss. But also courage, joy and new findings.

The story unfolds here, every Friday! Keep coming back for more!

View each episode here:


METAMORPHOSIS - ep. 9 - Embrace Your Changing World. #30Letters from #yogacamp miniseries
METAMORPHOSIS - ep. 10 - Awaken Your Self-Awareness. #30Letters from #yogacamp miniseries
METAMORPHOSIS - ep. 11 - I am ALIVE. #30Letters from #yogacamp miniseries
METAMORPHOSIS - ep. 12 - I Feel Supported. #30Letters from #yogacamp miniseries
METAMORPHOSIS - ep. 13 - I Am Capable. #30Letters from #yogacamp miniseries
METAMORPHOSIS - ep. 14 - I Choose. #30Letters from #yogacamp miniseries
METAMORPHOSIS - ep. 15 - I Am Bold. #30Letters from #yogacamp miniseries
METAMORPHOSIS - ep. 16 - I Am Present. #30Letters from #yogacamp miniseries
METAMORPHOSIS - ep. 17 - I Release. #30Letters from #yogacamp miniseries
METAMORPHOSIS - ep. 18 - I Trust  #30Letters from #yogacamp miniseries
METAMORPHOSIS - ep. 19 - I Deserve  #30Letters from #yogacamp miniseries
METAMORPHOSIS - ep. 20 - I Go With The Flow  #30Letters from #yogacamp miniseries

(To be continued...)