Aaa! The power of choice! The wonderful gift God gave us when we were born. We go through life making decisions every single day. Who we are and who we become gets created with every choice we get to make. They become habits which through repetition become our character. Our personality is thus made of what we choose.
Of course we get to decide between whatever is available where we are in the world, at a given time. The trick is to make the smart choice. That informed, unique-to-you choice, that will further benefit your lifestyle and daily activities. Make the best with what you have. That’s where the “smart” part comes into play.
As we have the ability to choose, we have endless possibilities and combinations. The one area where these options are really infinite is the one where we choose who we are.
The way we behave, the way we feel about a situation, the way we speak, the way we make others feel, the way we treat ourselves tell the story of who we really are. One cannot always choose material things or similar items, but one can definitely choose who he or she wants to be remembered as. Always!
This reminds me of a Harry Potter quote, by professor Dumbledore, that got me thinking all those years back, when I first heard it: “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.”. So thank you J.K. Rowling for writing that, because it clearly defines the long path we each take in order to become our finest, truest selves.
We can use our abilities to create or to destroy. There’s no middle ground, just lack of action. Of course, both of these extremes can be understood as to create good and destroy evil, or to create evil and destroy good. Choose the first one, as it helps build a lighter, happier you. Choosing the negative side takes a toll eventually, bringing your spirit down. Remember what I said about those neural connections here!
In January, I chose to let go of all multiple sclerosis related stress. To move slow and with the breath. And I did. It was the most relaxing yoga practice in a long time.
The second time, at the beginning of April, I chose to be my best self, to love myself and to have more confidence in what I do or say.
I found ease and understood that I’ve changed somewhat since the last time I did this. The body became more flexible and I became more confident, as I choose to start before I’m ready, to let go and embrace the opportunities of the moment, whilst staying true to myself.
This is the interesting thing about yoga, that although it aims to let go of the thinking mind and focus on the body, breath and sensations, it also makes you think, it makes you understand things about life, about yourself and about how it is all tied together and why.
The “why” is important. We need to know it, find it out. Without it, we go about life just executing mindless actions. What drives us in life, to do this and that? Stand still and ask yourself that. Have an inner conversation. Choose to know who you are inside and out. Explore!
Yoga and movement are a great tool for doing all that and more. Stand still and have patience. Listen. The Universe is talking. Choose with the heart. Choose what makes you happy.
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As always, transformation starts from within.
For the rest of the “METAMORPHOSIS” series, click here.
#30letters is a miniseries derived from the experience of being transformed by some of my choices, in this case yoga, a lesson about yourself and for yourself. #Yogacamp is a 30 day challenge created by the wonderful Adriene Mishler (@yogawithadriene) and shared for free on her YouTube Channel. Check it out here.