METAMORPHOSIS - ep. 21 - I Am Open #30Letters from #yogacamp miniseries l SMart Choice Lifestyle

Yours truly is not that open. I am more of a private person that doesn't like to feel exposed and scrutinized in detail by others. I choose to only show what I think to be relevant, helpful and purposeful in a given situation. No more, no less.

Of course, it depends on the context, the person or how at ease I feel, or how in tune I feel. It's a protective measure most of the times. A protection for getting hurt emotionally. With time, I began to see that some people act strangely around me, while others are perfectly in sync. 

I noticed that if I thought a person to be tight up, that's what that person thought of me back. Lastly, I discovered that if I disliked a person for a particular reason, most certain that reason was one of my flaws.

"Open your heart, open your mind, open yourself to all possibilities."

(Adriene Mishler - Yoga With Adriene)

How I discovered that? Simple! (Wrote some more about this HERE and HERE)

I tried being more open with people I didn't think so much of at first glance, or with people that intimidated me or made me feel nervous (either excited or anxious). And guess what? They were normal, pleasant and fun to be around. I was the one who shut them out and didn't interract.

This goes the same for opportunities. Be open to them. Try new things. Challenge yourself. You'll be surprised. I know I did! The moment I gave up those gremlins inside of my mind (as @BreneBrown calls that inner negative voice we all have), it all fell seamlessly into place.

Of course there are ups and downs, good days and bad days, but the purpose of all this is to make up the courage to be yourself, no matter what others say, or what your mind tells you. It doesn't mean you can run on the street naked, howling at the Moon, but it allows you to be more self-confident and live life more assertively.

Be curious about what you encounter in life. Keep exploring unbeated trails. Keep exploring (deep) within. Be happy about opportunities and learning. They lead to growth and growth leads to wisdom.

Look at your best and worst moments in life and add those "grey" areas too. Be curious about why they happened and what you've learned from each. Dig deeper and ask yourself "why?". Be open for whatever reasons might come up and be prepared to accept, adapt, overcome and heal each one. Grow.

You open yourself up to knowing and understanding better who you are and what you need. Take into account that you might get scared, sad or disappointed, even angry because of what you'll discover about yourself.

All in all, people are pretty simple. They act like a mirror, so become aware of what you show them in you. You might not like the reflection.

Here’s the routine I’m referring to. Day 15 of 30 days of #yogacamp: I Am Open. Enjoy!

Thank you for your visit. Please remember to comment down below, share your thoughts on this. Subscribe HERE to stay in touch with what I write.

As always, transformation starts from within.
For the rest of the “METAMORPHOSIS” series, click here.

#30letters is a miniseries derived from the experience of being transformed by some of my choices, in this case yoga, a lesson about yourself and for yourself. #Yogacamp is a 30 day challenge created by the wonderful Adriene Mishler (@yogawithadriene) and shared for free on her YouTube Channel. Check it out HERE.

Denisa (Alex - alias)

Creative Choices: Why Visual Storytelling Is So Important? (Shapes Studio - Visual Storytelling) | SMart Choice Lifestyle

The most important images are the ones infused with emotion. The ones that make us remember the day, the person, how we felt and what our thoughts were. Those are the images that tell our story.

How many times we looked at a beautiful image that we knew almost nothing about? It was just a beautiful image. When it’s infused with stories, it comes alive. It shines and speaks. It takes shape.

I was always surrounded by photography as legacy, as something to cherish and pass on, as a means to remember stories, people, feelings. A time machine. I constantly browsed through my parent’s wedding photos, through my grandma and great-grandma’s photo boxes and I came up with lots of love. Love for them, their stories and photography.

My maternal great-grandmother had portraits of her mum and dad, of her six daughters and of all of her grandchildren and great grandchildren. She cherished them all. On the walls, in the wooden box she had in one of her bedrooms. She loved keeping people, loved ones alive in her mind and in front of her eyes. She loved looking at us as we were her legacy, her creation and most cherished possession. She loved us and we loved her.

My maternal grandma, her daughter, had her walls filled with pictures of us - her own daughters and granddaughters. During my summer vacations, I remember frequently looking at them and thinking about how times were back then, how young we all were and most importantly, how loved. In her master bedroom she had a picture of my late grandfather, her husband. The picture portrayed him as a young man in his 20’s or 30’s, very well groomed and presentable.

Back then there were no sloppy photos, only posed and emotionless portraits, framed up the wall. I kept wondering what his life was like the day he went to take that picture, what was he feeling? Then there were the family photos, taken outside, picturing them having fun, sharing summer days, winter days and many other moments of happiness. And they all had a story.

There was also the shoe-box. The photographs-filled shoe-box. The stories in there made up for hours and hours of talking with and listening to my grandma revive times that had gone by, remembering herself, remembering my mother’s childhood, remembering me and all in between. The stories wouldn’t have been the same without pictures, without portraits. Having an actual image of the people she was telling me about gave life, color and shape to what I was imagining. It made it more real, more human, it brought it closer and helped make a connection.

I grew up with the knowledge that stories and images bring people together and create a bond that can’t ever be broken. Things in life change, people get old and die. It’s the way this world works. But the stories remain. The emotions stay alive. You can always remember something, but memories fade away, you forget details that made you happy, you forget colors and feelings. They fade away with time. A photograph brings those stories back up sharp and in full detail. You can fully remember. You feel it again. It’ all coming back.

The years went by and we didn’t take so many photographs. At least not of us as a family. I took many pictures of my grandma, but I’m not present in any of them. The only two pictures I have with the two of us are the ones we made back when I was one. The thing that I remember most vividly about her was that warm smile she had on whenever we were around. One evening, as I was going back home and saying goodbye, as she laid in bed, she looked at me with her bright blue eyes and said: “You’ll miss me when I’m gone, won’t you?”. And then we smiled at eachother and said goodbye. A few years ago, she passed away at 78. I will cherish those pictures for a lifetime. I had them printed and now they’re displayed on my walls. She filled my life with stories and now I’m going to help fill your lives with them too.

Shapes Studio - Visual Storytelling is bringing together what I love doing most: hearing/telling stories and taking pictures of people. Stories of you and your loved ones. Visual stories. Portrait photography.

I’ve spent my entire life listening to other’s stories and learning from them. We all have limited lives, with a limited set of choices. But we can learn a whole lot more if we just listen. Hear out other people’s stories so that we can have more choices and thus learn more, live more. Create visual stories that keep the lessons alive, the memories alive.

This is my “WHY”. I want to gift this kind of experiences to you. Time slips by and you’ll want to keep the people you love close to you forever. Portrait photography keeps memories alive, keeps loved ones alive in your heart. Family is important. Feelings are important. Relationships matter.

Exist in photos. Remember them and let them remember you. Every portrait has a story. Let me tell yours.

Sincerely yours,

Thank you for taking time to read this post. Read the previous one in the Creative Choices series HERE and HERE.

The following months we'll go deeper into what it takes to become stronger: body, mind and spirit. To become the architect of your wished lifestyle.

Until then, I thank you for being here. Liked this post? Share it with friends. Want to receive more articles like this right into your inbox? Add your email to the SMart Choosers list HERE. You’ll receive every new article and a monthly Newsletter of wonderful resources and insight, to help you make the smart choices that best fit your lifestyle.

METAMORPHOSIS - ep. 20 - I Go With The Flow #30Letters from #yogacamp miniseries

Vinyasa yoga gets your body and blood pumpin'! If you haven't exercised for some time, you'll get tired quickly. You can also become frustrated. The session might not be that hard, but your overachiever Ego can want to be on top. You get angry at not being the best and at feeling left behind and exhausted by the video. Humbling experience.

In life, we don't always get what we want, what we plan to get, but the trick is to continue, to go with the flow. Eventually, things will get better. There is a time for everything. Have patience.

The so-called "flow" isn't always going smoothly. It has ups and downs, bumps and detours, it can become stuck or vortexed... depending on the circumstances it encounters. But it manages to adapt, to brake free from all the challenges and push through, continuing its course.

Take water for example. It's always flowing. Be like water! As Bruce Lee said it: “You must be shapeless, formless, like water. When you pour water in a cup, it becomes the cup. When you pour water in a bottle, it becomes the bottle. When you pour water in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Water can drip and it can crash. Become like water my friend.”

Be clear-minded, asses your options, accept the situation you're going through, work with what you have, innovate. Change is a part of moving forward. We have challenges, we learn, we grow. We become wiser. Experience got us where we are now.

Continue that flow that began when you were a baby: explore, keep trying, be curious and happy about what you have and succeed in doing. Enjoy what this life has to offer. Live morally, in love and kindness. Avoid temptation and anything that makes your soul feels strange, heavy or fearfull. Listen to your conscience first.

Live in the present moment and hope for redemption. Choose the good in the world. Don't tie your happiness to money! Share, be humble and let go of Ego. Learn to work with others for a common goal. Collaborate. Be just and do justice for all. Choose to see the love in all things, the love in all people. Focus on the beauty life has, on its good things.

Throughout your lifetime, you cannot amass all the knowledge in the world. Remember to take care of your soul and live your life according to God's Law. Enjoy life while you are young, do the things you want to do decisively, you only get one go in life. 

Did you ever had that moment when you thought "man, this is the worst day of my life! I don't know how I'm going to get through tomorrow!"? And then tomorrow came and you were alive and well? And then a week, a month, a year passed and you became stronger that you've ever been? What happened then?

Your mind, your Ego was telling you that you can't do it, that it is to hard, that something bad will happen, right? That was fear, our oldest defense and survival mechanism that alerts us when something is wrong and we need to take care of it to avoid dying. 

But we can't die multiple times. Only once. Just go with the flow. Everything is smoke. It shall pass, let it flow. Breathe!

Here’s the routine I’m referring to. Day 9 of 30 days of #yogacamp: I Go With The FlowEnjoy!


Thank you for your visit. Please remember to comment down below, share your thoughts on this. Subscribe HERE to stay in touch with what I write.

As always, transformation starts from within.
For the rest of the “METAMORPHOSIS” series, click here.

#30letters is a miniseries derived from the experience of being transformed by some of my choices, in this case yoga, a lesson about yourself and for yourself. #Yogacamp is a 30 day challenge created by the wonderful Adriene Mishler (@yogawithadriene) and shared for free on her YouTube Channel. Check it out here.

Denisa (Alex - alias)

Creative Choices: Why Is My Portrait Photography Project Named SHAPES?

A creative choice is that decision to make something creative. It also involves your reasons, motivations and values. As I've said before in many articles on this blog, choices define who we are. It goes the other way round too: who we are defines the choices we make. It's all connected. Let me tell you more about my creative choice. Read on!


(Originally written on 16th of December 2013)

<<I often get faced with this simple question: "Why Shapes? Why did you name your project like that?". The answer is just as simple.

All around us is a shape of some sort. Trees, cars, animals, houses. All inside us has a metaphorical shape: our dreams, our plans, our memories, and even our feelings. We imagine and make plans following a pattern, a model, a scheme. Their visual expression on paper is a shape, a structure.

Given the fact that i chose to express myself via images and stories through images, the term "shapes" came naturally to me. Even since I was in primary school, I found myself very attracted to geometry, and what is geometry but the science of mathematical shapes!? I translated this concept in the way I would like to compose my images: with the use of shapes and forms.

In photography, the composition rules follow patterns, lines... geometry. Every image, if it is constructed via those rules, has a shape, an internal pattern that guides the eye through it (i.e. the rule of thirds, the Fibonacci number, etc).

In graphic design, geometry is self explanatory: vectors are grouped into groups that form objects, prints and so on. Ad a pinch of color and a whole world of shapes is born.

Last but not least, our whole world is made of shapes. I'm made of shapes, you're made of shapes. Thus my artistical concept is... a shape. A shape of my universe, of the way I create, of the way I represent the reality outside myself.>>

Thank you for taking time to read this post. Read the previous one in the Creative Choices series HERE.

The following months we'll go deeper into what it takes to become stronger: body, mind and spirit. To become the architect of your wished lifestyle. To become #strongerthanMS.

Until then, I thank you for being here. Liked this post? Share it with friends. Want to receive more articles like this right into your inbox? Add your email to the SMart Choosers list HERE. You’ll receive every new article and a monthly Newsletter of wonderful resources and insight, to help you make the smart choices that best fit your lifestyle.

Sincerely yours,

METAMORPHOSIS - ep. 19 - I Deserve #30Letters from #yogacamp miniseries

To deserve means to be entitled to something, to be worthy, good enough, meritorious enough to receive or have what you wish for. It means to be able to receive a something because of good service, because of serving devotedly.

When we think of it in the context of self-transformation, it all boils down to how well are you treating yourself? How much service are you putting out there for the people around you, in order to gain that much-wanted self-confidence and sense of ease that leads to an improved you?

We tend to be self-judgmental, self-critical and think so low of ourselves that we often think that good things are not going to happen to us because we're just not lucky enough, not smart enough, not pretty enough. That's just negative down-talk and it doesn't do you any favors, either if you keep it all to yourself or you talk to others about it (plus, people tend to stay away from complainers).

We are all entitled to happiness, health and a good quality of life. From ages ago, people have fought to gain these things because they knew they were entitled to have them. The situation changes when we're alone with our minds. We don't really think to high of ourselves. At least not all the time.

We think that if people around us suffer, we're not allowed to be or feel happy. If people don't show us love, we think we don't deserve it and get frustrated and sad. All the love we will ever need comes from inside us. 

We all have it, most of us forget about it. I don't know about you, but for me, this love comes from God and how He wants me to live this life: with joy, happiness and with the need of helping others, just to feel like I'm being useful.

Self-reflection, as time-consuming and complicated as it might first seem, it's pretty simple actually. All you need is time with yourself, time to think, and a will to understand what you are all about, why you do certain things, why you do them in a certain way and not another, what your feelings are, when and why you have a certain one, and so forth. 

We each are different, have certain life experiences, certain abilities, wants, ideas, dreams. But at the end of the day, we all want to belong, to be accepted, to feel like we deserve to be loved, to be understood.

The trick is to stop asking for permission. Love is free. Happiness is a state of mind. Having a better life it's your right. But you must do the work for getting all of this. Daily! Connect with yourself, breathe deeply, be happy!

Here’s the routine I’m referring to. Day 9 of 30 days of #yogacamp: I Deserve. Enjoy!

Thank you for your visit. Please remember to comment down below, share your thoughts on this. Subscribe HERE to stay in touch with what I write.

As always, transformation starts from within.
For the rest of the “METAMORPHOSIS” series, click here.

#30letters is a miniseries derived from the experience of being transformed by some of my choices, in this case yoga, a lesson about yourself and for yourself. #Yogacamp is a 30 day challenge created by the wonderful Adriene Mishler (@yogawithadriene) and shared for free on her YouTube Channel. Check it out here.

Denisa (Alex - alias)

Multiple Sclerosis Can Wake You Up To Follow Your Dreams (and Quit Postponing Them)

We think we have life planned already. We think that we know everything and most of the times postpone or discard our oldest dreams and passions as being "just a hobby", "just a dream". Well, it's "just life" that has the power to teach us a very important lesson: never let go of the things that make your soul feel happy and at peace. Life is passing anyway. Follow your dreams. Find a way to make them happen. Adapt. This is my story and what can you learn from it all.


(Originally written on 3rd of April 2013)

"Let me tell you a story. A story about strength, creativity, challenges and most of all passion. It all happened one blizzardy Sunday, on the 22nd of December of 1985. The day I got into this world in the first place. 

Since I can remember I simply loved making up stories and characters. Normal stuff for a kid my age you would say. But this instinct never left me. I began by listening to my grandmother's childhood recollections, her stories about times that I had never experienced, and people I would never meet, and yet I found them fascinating. When my gran wasn't around, I had my mom filling up her role and reading me stories every night, as we laid in bed. I listened to her tales of Mahabharata, The Nibelunges, Tristan and Isolda, romanian fairytales, Grimm fairytales and many others. I remember she used to sing to me 'till I fell asleep, and went away into a world of fantasy and imagination as my dreams were magically created following so many stories. 

My school years followed the same pattern, just that I now followed my own stories that I developed in my mind after reading most of my grandmother's library. It was my escape from homework and other boring stuff you might hate being a kid. I found myself free whenever I played all the stories in my head and each time we had to do a composition or an essay for school. Playing around with my cousin imagining we were the best of all the superheroes that ever existed took its toll, and after years and years it still brings up nostalgic memories. 

All this urge to make up stories and give them back to the world found its match when I decided to study movie directing after finishing highschool. Unfortunately, given the circumstances, I never got to do that, and I'm now a licensed sociologist, with a major in Communication and Public Opinion. 

Since I graduated from University, the story bug never left me, and for a few years now it found it's expression in the form of photography and graphic design. These are the things I most enjoy doing, and although my daytime job doesn't allow me to do this full time, I am absolutely sure that I found my place in this world and that this is my path in life. Thus, on the 5th of November 2010, Shapes Photography was born.

A place in which all my ideas and stories could come to life, day by day, bit by bit... through image. Nonetheless, I never abandoned my writing skills, and since the beginning of 2012, Shapes was added the "storytelling" part. The whole project is now named Shapes Studio - Photography, Graphic Design and Storytelling. As 2013 came up, I began making lots of plans to put Shapes "to business", and hoping that this dear project to my soul will catch its wings and become what I want it to become: a place where imagination and stories come alive, a place where art shines bright and where people's life stories get to influence others. 

I'm not making a schedule of my posts or of what and when I'm going to post here, but I do promise that this year it's gonna be all about Shapes and it's will to create. My will to create beautiful images that tell interesting stories, my will to give the world a part of the beauty it has raised me up in... My will to make my late grandmother proud of me, and thus make her live again through my work and actions.

This April 10th commemorates one year since she has left this world. She was a powerful woman, that inspired my creativity from an early age. She had challenges and I'll have mine. I'll follow her example and follow my passion. I will never settle until I reach my goal. I'll make her proud."


Time went by and I somehow left my dreams aside for the "real world", for "the real job", for "the job who will pay the bills". I was basically a machine, to put it lightly. I lived my life without being present and fully understanding and feeling what I was experiencing. I felt like a hamster on a spinning wheel. All this while watching my dreams and plans almost at my reach, but couldn't yet touch them.

And then, one year later, in 2014, multiple sclerosis touched me. In in fact kicked me into reality. Mentally and emotionally, I now had to face the uncertainty of an (excuse the redundancy) unpredictable illness, that threatened to take my body away from me. That was the slap on the face that my life and God gave me. I was to entrapped into living by the rules that most of the people around me lived, yet none of them seemed truly happy, truly living a purposeful life.

And then I slowly began to get back to myself, to the person I have always been and to the dreams that I always had. That's what I feel I need to do in this life: tell the stories of people and somehow help them find the best version of themselves, inside and out. Visual ones, written ones, all together. God will lead me there, I have no doubt about it. It's just about the choices I make.

Thank you for taking time to read this post.

The following months we'll go deeper into what it takes to become stronger: body, mind and spirit. To become the architect of your wished lifestyle. To become #strongerthanMS.

Until then, I thank you for being here. Liked this post? Share it with friends. Want to receive more articles like this right into your inbox? Add your email to the SMart Choosers list HERE. You’ll receive every new article and a monthly Newsletter of wonderful resources and insight, to help you make the smart choices that best fit your lifestyle.

Sincerely yours,

How Emotions Can Hijack Your Diet Choices

Do you ever ask yourself why food is known to damage you, but not to heal you, to make you feel better? Why do the media and doctors say that you should eat less of this and less of that? Why food x caused y condition and nothing is said about what you should eat for a healthy system? I do to. Even more after being diagnosed with an autoimmune chronic illness like multiple sclerosis. I not only choose to quit sugar, but gluten and dairy too. Let me tell you why.

Last time I wrote about this issue (find it HERE) I was on a positive wave, or more well said, going through a constant good and calm state of my life. What I failed to remember was that life is a roller coaster. I didn't pay enough attention to the fact that the Black Knights (more about them HERE) are bound to come back and trash my efforts of leading a healthy life.

I'm talking about those moments when you feel so upset or tired, that you just need an ice cream or some chocolate. Eating sweet or tasty foods helps you feel better almost instantly (or at the bottom of the can, in some cases).

But that's the real problem. Our brains have been wired from an early age to know that we can find comfort in eating. What nobody told us was how to better manage what and how we feel. How to identify and balance the emotional roller coaster life has prepared for us, and do that without food.

For me, choosing not to eat gluten, dairy and sugar came as a no brainer once I did my research. And when I say research, I mean spending hours upon hours finding out how casein and gluten can mimic other proteins in the body and how sudden insulin spikes put the body into deep stress (and get you fat in the process). I have the notes to prove it! :))

I still have the same principles and ideas, only that now I am more aware of how moments of angst, fear or anger can make my hormones and neurotransmitters fluctuate, and thus somehow make me crave the foods that I know very well can make me feel bad.

On a rational level, it's all good, and I stick to the plan about 80% of the time. The other 20% is dependent on how I'm feeling. That's why I now focus mostly on balancing my emotional state, as it is the root of all evil. Kidding, just the root of cravings (which are equally as bad :)) ).

All this "I'm changing my diet!" is in fact a process, with its ups and downs. But nobody really talks about failure. About cravings, about how it's all connected to the way we feel, not only by logic and willpower. The stricter the diet, the most prone to failure it is. Especially if you go through hard moments in life. 

Here's where self-compassion comes in. I used to get upset with myself for eating some gluten or having some dairy, or for eating chocolate at certain times of the month. The trick is to allow yourself to indulge for a bit (if you're feeling really crappy there's no use in making things even worse) and then return to your usual eating habits. The problem begins when you continue on a downward spiral and eat mindlessly, going over your own decisions.

At the end of the day, we are all free to make our own choices, but just make sure they align with the rest of our lifestyle.

The following months we'll go deeper into what it takes to become stronger: body, mind and spirit. To become the architect of your wished lifestyle. To become #strongerthanMS.

Until then, I thank you for being here. Liked this post? Share it with friends. Want to receive more articles like this right into your inbox? Add your email to the SMart Choosers list HERE. You’ll receive every new article and a monthly Newsletter of wonderful resources and insight, to help you make the smart choices that best fit your lifestyle.

Sincerely yours,

Storytelling MS: Feelings from a lonely soul (by Louise S.)

Storytelling = “the conveying of events in words, sound and/or images, often by improvisation or embellishment. Stories or narratives have been shared in every culture as a means of entertainment, education, cultural preservation and instilling moral values.” (Wikipedia)


Stories have been at the center of our cultures since times immemorial. We used them to pass on knowledge, sing and honor our heroes in legends and folktales, to transmit moral values in fables and fairytales. A story is the perfect way through which we connect to another human being. You never know who might get inspired.

Stories allow us to be heard and accepted by peers and others around us. They help us gather and organize our thoughts and experiences and organize them to be able to provide a coherent structure.

We constantly tell others who we are through the things we share, choose, say or do. Our memories, experiences and values are kept and passed on through storytelling. As individuals, we constantly interpret the events we experience through our own self development. The stories we tell to the world are a mirror we provide to others like us.

Multiple sclerosis is an illness that aims to interrupt communication and the connection we have with the outside world. I truly believe that storytelling has the power to inspire and make us ride smoothly or smoother this rollercoaster we call “our life with MS”. It helps with letting you know that you are not alone in this, thus vulnerability dampens as you share and are understood by others. Empathy is the antidote for feeling either shame or unworthiness.

This idea came from the wonderful Brene Brown, the author of the bestselling book “Daring Greatly” and “Rising Strong”. These two books kinda “pushed me off the fence” for good, and empowered me to tell the story of MSers to the MSers. We are all beautiful human beings, who only happen to have MS. The most important thing we have is the feeling that we’re not alone. Together we can grow stronger, even with a chronic illness.

This week, I invite you into Louise’s story. With or without MS, life is worth living. It will all pass. We are stronger.


"Sitting recalling events from a life long passed, I wonder how life became so cold, almost unbearable. My words and thoughts are rarely heard by others. Only by writing, can I feel truly free without judgment or criticism. Pity was neither welcomed nor needed, only a familiar face that was a close friend. Long days and even longer nights, have allowed me to reflect on memories of happier times.

An abundance of friends, fearless in groups and always ready to meet new people. You never anticipate the loss of a personality trait, the realization of your new reality leaves bewilderment and fear. Fear of never regaining the zest for life and confidence once held. Wondering if and when communication and laughter, would flow so effortlessly and meaningfully as before. The ability to connect with others, seems daunting even impossible. I struggle daily to convey my thoughts verbally, as I'm ashamed of this fearful, feeble, weak person I've become. Unrecognizable passing time until I'm reborn, and ready to start living! Self acceptance was never my strong suit, but I'm trying.

All my girlfriends are mothers now, and busy nurturing their children. I now have phone friends, since most have moved far away. I've been on long term disability for eleven years now, so meeting new people, and socializing is foreign to me. For many years I didn't want to leave my house, because I felt so horrible with the devastating effects of Multiple Sclerosis. Now I feel better than I have in years, and wanting desperately to feel comfortable in social situations. I feel like I'm the new kid in school, who has zero social skills and drowning in her fears.

I feel like I'm the new kid in school, who has zero social skills and drowning in her fears.

This is a turning point in my life, as I need and desire the interactions with new people. I should be amazed at how far I've come, especially when considering where I've been. 

About five years ago my words were very muffled and inaudible. I was tired of my friends and family, asking me to repeat myself. Not talking was just a better option, or one word answers that were guaranteed not to require more explanation. I knew at this point spoken words, were difficult to say, let alone my word processing and retrieval were noticeably impaired. I spoke very slowly, and I was frustrating to others who were obligated to listen to me. I basically could not carry a conversation, so I lived like a hermit in solitude! It felt like I was imprison in my own mind, speaking to select friends, family and my husband. I understand that I was stubborn, it's a wonder that the remaining people didn't give up on me. Like the saying goes, "you find out who your true friends are, when going through the toughest times"! That is very true, just hard to accept/understand.

Like the saying goes, "you find out who your true friends are, when going through the toughest times"!

Now I'm finally feeling better, needing and wanting to revamp my friends and start over. It's going to be the hardest to overcome my comfort zone (my home), but I'm tired of the same daily routine. Change is seldom wanted, but in this case required. It's time to start living again, I'm just not sure where to begin. Trial and error will be my new normal until I can feel comfort in my own skin.

This is challenging, being 40 and realizing that everything is new and different than before. I never understood people with MultIple Sclerosis that say, "I have MS but MS doesn't have me". In my case MS has had me for the past 11 years or so. In all honesty, I feel MS has definitely changed me. I can't say for certain if it's a good or bad thing, just different. I can say, I have experienced true pain and impossible situations, but I'm stronger for it! My life is very different than the way I had envisioned it, but I really believe it's how you handle negative situations that will make or break you.

I never understood people with MultIple Sclerosis that say, "I have MS but MS doesn't have me". In my case MS has had me for the past 11 years or so. In all honesty, I feel MS has definitely changed me. I can't say for certain if it's a good or bad thing, just different.

Yes I would had loved to have kids, and that feeling of life growing inside me. Realistically, MS has stolen that opportunity! I don't want to admit this, but that is my one wish, that I could have been a mother. Adoption is the only way, but my own biological child is out of the question, since having had a bone marrow transplant. It was done to halt the progression of MS, a decision made, at the time, as it was my only alternative. I guess I can't blame MS for the inability to have a child, in hindsight I would have protected my eggs for future use. I am very grateful for having had the BMT, but sad that I will NEVER have any biological children.

That contributes to the loneliness I'm so familiar with. I am slowly dealing with my emotions surrounding my biggest hurdle; loneliness! I never anticipated being so young, and being in a wheelchair. Reality is, people do not want to associate, socialize, let alone being true friends with a person in a wheelchair. That's been my experience. I don't understand how so many friends I held for years, progressively dwindled as my MS progressed. It is challenging to reveal these feelings I buried for an eternity. I thought things would change, but nothing has! I'm brutally honest, as I know that these feelings are all too common among wheelchair users. I try focusing on the future, rather than being stuck in the past. Only facing my truth and acknowledging my faults, will things change.

I try focusing on the future, rather than being stuck in the past. Only facing my truth and acknowledging my faults, will things change.

The first thing I must change is my perception of who I am. I will not accept MS as being my fault, its only my reactions to my unique circumstance that are my "fault". MS will always be a part of me that will never change. Today is a new day, where I promise to live the life I want regardless of my diagnosis. I will stop apologizing for my health and things I can't change, I will choose to say I can and I will, I will set new goals starting today, I will not sweat the small things and be grateful for what I have. I will learn to laugh again, and feel comfortable around others. I will stop thinking that others are judging me, some might but I will not care. I am me and I embrace the future, with MS being as my sidekick, rather than MS defining me as a person. For all the naysayers out there, never assume I can't because that just fuels me even more.

I consider myself to be an advocate for the disabled and strive to make everyday count. I am not perfect by any means, I'll have bad days (like everyone) but make it my mission to carry on living the best life I can. I choose to be happy, resourceful and independent. For many years I lived like a hermit, but those days are gone. I am truly living, creating/inventing to hopefully make a positive impact on the world, specifically with disabled individuals.

I am truly living, creating/inventing to hopefully make a positive impact on the world, specifically with disabled individuals.

Currently I am working on an accessible, functional swimsuit line called Advanced Freedom. Swimming is my absolute favorite activity. As I progress with this disease, I realize that swimsuits were definitely not created to include all abilities. I've had bladder issues from the onset of MS. The typical one piece swimsuit is just not practical to dress/undress, especially for a disabled individual. When the swimsuit is wet, it creates an almost impossible task when needing to use the washroom. Since I go to the washroom frequently, one piece swimsuits presently are just not an option. Once all women reach a certain age and/or having had children, coverage of the mid section is of top priority. Shouldn't there be an accessible one piece that provides coverage, while accommodating the need for going to the washroom?

To tackle this issue I've invented a "one piece, two piece swimsuit". It's a beautiful one piece swimsuit, that is actually two! The top and bottom portions are held together by magnetic buttons on each side of your waist. The magnets are waterproof so chlorinated or salt water doesn't affect the strength or condition of the magnets. It works beautifully and can be worn by all women. Women of all abilities, sizes and ages can now find their one piece transformed into the new, more convenient, two piece. Unlike regular tankinis the swimsuit will not ride upwards in the water. It is considered a one piece to everyone else.

Tankinis can also stay tankinis with the magnets going down the back/side of the upper portion of the top. It resolves two problems, one being it keeps the tankini in position when in the water, and two being more accessible for people who cannot raise their arms over their head. It also adds an extra element of style to existing tankinis.

It is my mission to make disabled people feel more comfortable in their own skin, while feeling included in society. I'm starting with swimsuits because I feel disabled people have been forgotten when designing bathing suits.

It is my mission to make disabled people feel more comfortable in their own skin, while feeling included in society. I'm starting with swimsuits because I feel disabled people have been forgotten when designing bathing suits. It's especially close to my heart, as I myself almost gave up on a sport I loved so much. Not to mention the benefits of swimming for a disabled person.

It is also a project that I will be proud of, regardless of my circumstance. Multiple Sclerosis has not and will not change my mission in life. While loneliness is still my biggest hurdle, in time I hope that changes. I think through making inclusion a priority, things will fall into place. Society as a whole will not change, if there isn't people with disabilities fighting for the greater good.

It's all about trying to keep busy, and providing something that will help others. The swimsuits are only my first idea, my thoughts are never ending. Others won't hire me, so I'm hiring myself. If it can help me, it will help many others in similar situations. Life has altered my initial plans, but I'm creating new ones. Life is not measured by suffering, but rather by giving your outlook and positive reach to others.


P.S.: If you are interested in learning more about this adaptive swimsuit called Advanced Freedom, I am on Google+ under my name Louise Sertsis."


I now invite you to tell your story. I want to tell these stories to the world, to show even more light on MS and on the strong people that live with it, research it, treat it and make sure it’s voice is heard. Are you up to #storytellMS?

Send me your stories at and I’ll feature you as a GUEST BLOGGER each week, from June 2016 onwards. The stories can be signed with your name or send anonymous, it’s your choice.


The following months we'll go deeper into what it takes to become independent: body, mind and spirit. To become the architect of your wished lifestyle. To become #strongerthanMS.

Until then, I thank you for being here. Liked this post? Share it with friends. Want to receive more articles like this right into your inbox? Add your email to the SMart Choosers list HERE. You’ll receive every new article and a monthly Newsletter of wonderful resources and insight, to help you make the smart choices that best fit your lifestyle.

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