METAMORPHOSIS - ep. 20 - I Go With The Flow #30Letters from #yogacamp miniseries

Vinyasa yoga gets your body and blood pumpin'! If you haven't exercised for some time, you'll get tired quickly. You can also become frustrated. The session might not be that hard, but your overachiever Ego can want to be on top. You get angry at not being the best and at feeling left behind and exhausted by the video. Humbling experience.

In life, we don't always get what we want, what we plan to get, but the trick is to continue, to go with the flow. Eventually, things will get better. There is a time for everything. Have patience.

The so-called "flow" isn't always going smoothly. It has ups and downs, bumps and detours, it can become stuck or vortexed... depending on the circumstances it encounters. But it manages to adapt, to brake free from all the challenges and push through, continuing its course.

Take water for example. It's always flowing. Be like water! As Bruce Lee said it: “You must be shapeless, formless, like water. When you pour water in a cup, it becomes the cup. When you pour water in a bottle, it becomes the bottle. When you pour water in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Water can drip and it can crash. Become like water my friend.”

Be clear-minded, asses your options, accept the situation you're going through, work with what you have, innovate. Change is a part of moving forward. We have challenges, we learn, we grow. We become wiser. Experience got us where we are now.

Continue that flow that began when you were a baby: explore, keep trying, be curious and happy about what you have and succeed in doing. Enjoy what this life has to offer. Live morally, in love and kindness. Avoid temptation and anything that makes your soul feels strange, heavy or fearfull. Listen to your conscience first.

Live in the present moment and hope for redemption. Choose the good in the world. Don't tie your happiness to money! Share, be humble and let go of Ego. Learn to work with others for a common goal. Collaborate. Be just and do justice for all. Choose to see the love in all things, the love in all people. Focus on the beauty life has, on its good things.

Throughout your lifetime, you cannot amass all the knowledge in the world. Remember to take care of your soul and live your life according to God's Law. Enjoy life while you are young, do the things you want to do decisively, you only get one go in life. 

Did you ever had that moment when you thought "man, this is the worst day of my life! I don't know how I'm going to get through tomorrow!"? And then tomorrow came and you were alive and well? And then a week, a month, a year passed and you became stronger that you've ever been? What happened then?

Your mind, your Ego was telling you that you can't do it, that it is to hard, that something bad will happen, right? That was fear, our oldest defense and survival mechanism that alerts us when something is wrong and we need to take care of it to avoid dying. 

But we can't die multiple times. Only once. Just go with the flow. Everything is smoke. It shall pass, let it flow. Breathe!

Here’s the routine I’m referring to. Day 9 of 30 days of #yogacamp: I Go With The FlowEnjoy!


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As always, transformation starts from within.
For the rest of the “METAMORPHOSIS” series, click here.

#30letters is a miniseries derived from the experience of being transformed by some of my choices, in this case yoga, a lesson about yourself and for yourself. #Yogacamp is a 30 day challenge created by the wonderful Adriene Mishler (@yogawithadriene) and shared for free on her YouTube Channel. Check it out here.

Denisa (Alex - alias)

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